College of Arts and Sciences

Endowed Faculty: College of Arts and Sciences

Alice Louise Ridenour Wood Chair in Mathematics
Jingyin Huang
Department of Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
The Alice Louise Ridenour Wood Chair in Mathematics was established September 6, 1991, with gifts from the Department of Mathematics to support the work of the distinguished faculty members in the Department of Mathematic

Allan H. Markowitz Endowed Chair in Astronomy
Todd Thompson
Allan H. Markowitz
The Allan H. Markowitz Endowed Chair in Astronomy was established August 31, 2018, with gifts from Allan H. Markowitz (MS 1966, PhD 1969); used to support a chair position in the Department of Astronomy. Revised and position established February 10, 2022.

Andrei Baronov and Ratmir Timashev Endowed Chair in Data Analytics
Bear F. Braumoeller
Department of Political Science
Veeam Software Corporationv
The Andrei Baronov and Ratmir Timashev Endowed Chair in Data Analytics was established June 8, 2018, with gifts from Veeam Software Corporation. The income supports an endowed chair position in data analytics. The eligible candidate must be a professor from an Arts and Sciences tenure-initiating unit.

Andrei Baronov and Ratmir Timashev Professorship in Chemical Physics
Veeam Software Corporation
Established June 4, 2020 by Veeam Software Corporation. The income supports a professorship poosition in chemical physics which provides robust resources to sustain and extend the discipline's research and teaching excellence at the University.

Ann and Darrell Dreher Chair in Political Communication and Policy Thinking
Gregory A. Caldeira, PhD
Department of Political Science
Ann and Darrell Dreher
Established March 5, 1999, by the Drehers.

Bob and Mary Reusche Chair in Geography
Harvey J. Miller, PhD
Department of Geography
Robert F. and Mary W. Reusch
Established April 4, 2008, with gifts from Robert F. and Mary W. Reusch. The income is used to provide a chair in the Department of Geography in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Carter Phillips and Sue Henry Professorship in Political Science
B. Scott Gaudi, PhD
Department of Political Science
Carter G. Phillips
Established February 11, 2011; supports a professorship position in the College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Political Science.

Carter V. Findley Professorship in Ottoman and Turkish History
Yiğit Akin
Department of History
Anonymous donor
Established April 3, 2009 with gifts from an anonymous donor. The income is used to support a named professorship position in Ottoman and Turkish History. Appointees to this professorship shall be distinguished scholar-teachers known for their positive interest in Turkish history and culture, their high standing in the international community of scholars in the field, their expertise in the history of the Turkish republic as well as of the Ottoman Empire, their broad linguistic command of the Ottoman and modern Turkish language of different periods, and the originality and impact of their historical scholarship.

Chair in Peace Studies
Yiğit Akin
Department of History
Erie and Orlyss Sauder, Sauder Woodworking Co., Inc., Southern Ohio Episcopal Diocese Procter Fund, congregations of Church of the Brethren, Mennonite and Friends, faculty, staff and friends
The Chair in Peace Studies was established June 6, 1997, by Erie and Orlyss Sauder, Sauder Woodworking Co., Inc., Southern Ohio Episcopal Diocese Procter Fund, congregations of Church of the Brethren, Mennonite and Friends, faculty, staff and friends. The income funds the endowment of a chair in Peace Studies, including the hiring/support of visiting/current faculty demonstrating leadership roles and drawing from academic, religious insight and experience in research, education and service programs exploring causes of and acceptable alternatives to violence.

Charles H. Kimberly Professorship in Chemistry
Joshua Goldberger, PhD
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Charles H. Kimberly
Established July 12, 1948 by Charles Kimberly.

College of Arts and Sciences Alumni Professorship
Michael Neblo
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
Established November 18, 2021, with a fund transfer by the College of Arts and Sciences of an unrestricted gift from the estate of Eugene Bernard (BA 1949); used for a professorship position in the College of Arts and Sciences. The highest ranking official in the college or his/her designee shall determine the focus of the position.

College of Arts and Sciences Alumni Professorship - 2
Matthew Sullivan
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
Established February 10, 2022, with a fund transfer by the College of Arts and Sciences of an unrestricted gift from the estate of Eugene Bernard (BA 1949) and gifts from other donors; used for a professorship position in the College of Arts and Sciences. The highest ranking official in the college or his/her designee shall determine the focus of the position.

College of Arts and Sciences Alumni Professorship - 3
Hasan Kwame Jeffries
Department of History
College of Arts and Sciences
Established August 18, 2022, with a fund transfer by the College of Arts and Sciences of an unrestricted gift from the estate of Eugene Bernard (BA 1949) and gifts from other donors; used for a professorship position in the College of Arts and Sciences. The highest ranking official in the college or his/her designee shall determine the focus of the position.

Donald G. and Mary A. Dunn Chair in Modern Military History
Bruno Cabanes
Department of History
DGD Group, Inc.
Established June 7, 2013 with gifts from the DGD Group, Inc.

Donald G. and Mary A. Dunn Chair in Modern Military History
Heather Allen, Ph.D
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Dow Chemical Company
Established July 11, 1986 by the Dow Chemical Company, alumni, and friends. The income provides support for a distinguished faculty member in the Department of Chemistry.

Dr. Carl F. Asseff Professorship in Anthropology and History of Medicine
Erin V. Moore, PhD
Department of Anthropology
Carl F. Asseff
Established April 8, 2016 with a gift from Dr. Carl F. Asseff (BA 1963, MD 1966). The income is used to support an endowed professorship position in the Department of Anthropology or the Department of History.

Dr. Charles Saltzer Professorship in Mathematics
Charles Saltzer and Florence Saltzer
Established July 13, 2007 with estate gifts from Charles Saltzer and Florence Saltzer. The income is used to provide support to secure a professorship for a distinguished visiting faculty member or a new faculty member who will elevate the research in the Department of Mathematics.

Dr. Edward E. and Sylvia Hagenlocker Chair in Physics
Louis F. DiMauro, PhD
Department of Physics
Dr. Edward E. and Sylvia Hagenlocker
Established July 7, 2000, by the Hagenlockers. The income supports a distinguished senior faculty member for teaching and research on atomic, molecular and optical physics.

Dr. Harold "Hal" Miller and Betty J. Miller Endowed Professorship in Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
David Nagib
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Betty Jane Miller
Established February 10, 2022, with a gift from Betty Jane Miller in memory of Dr. Harold "Hal" Miller (BA '48, MA '51, PhD '59 Chemistry); used to support a professorship position in the College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

Dr. Melvin L. Morris Endowed Professorship in Inorganic Chemistry
Claudia Turro
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Dr. Melvin L. Morris
Established November 21, 2019, with estate gifts from Dr. Melvin L. Morris (BS 1951, MS 1955, PhD 1958); used for a professorship in inorganic chemistry.

Endowed Chair for Director of The Ohio State University Marching Band
Christopher Hoch, PhD
School of Music
Dayton Eldridge and marching band friends
Established April 3, 1996, from the estate of Dayton Eldridge and Marching Band friends.

Eric Byron Fix-Monda Endowed Professorship
Bruce A. Weinberg, PhD
Department of Economics
Keith Monda
Established November 21, 2019, with gifts from Keith Monda (BS 1968, MA 1971) and Linda Monda; used for a professorship in behavioral finance and economics.

Harold E. Burtt Chair in Psychology
Russell H. Fazio, PhD
Department of Psychology
Ruth and Frank Stanton
Established June 1, 1990, by Ruth and Frank Stanton. The income provides salary and program support for a distinguished teacher and scholar in the Department of Psychology whose interests focus on fundamental research and theory, related to the application of psychology.

Henry L. Cox Endowed Professorship
John Beacom, PhD
Department of Astronomy
Dr. Henry L. Cox
Established February 1, 2013, with an estate gift from Dr. Henry L. Cox. The income is used to provide a professorship position in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Joe R. Engle Chair in the History of Christianity
David Brakke
Department of History
Joe R. Engle
Established September 17, 2010, with an estate gift from Joe R. Engle. The income is used to recruit or retain a distinguished scholar for a chair position in the College of Arts and Sciences focused on the history of Christianity.

John W. Wilkins Endowed Professorship of Physics
John W. Wilkins
Established August 27, 2020, with an estate gift from Dr. John W. Wilkins; used to support a rotating professorship position in the College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Physics focused on exceptional and cutting-edge research in any physics.

Kenneth E. Naylor Professorship
Brian D. Joseph, PhD
Department of Linguistics
Kenneth E. Naylor
Established November 5, 1993 with gifts from the estate of Kenneth E. Naylor. The income is used to support the work of a distinguished teacher, researcher, and scholar in South Slavic studies.

King George III Professorship in British History
Sara M. Butler
Department of History
Carl W. Thomas
Established May 7, 1995 by Carl W. Thomas. The income provides a professorship in British history.

Lawrence and Isabel Barnett Endowed Professorship of Arts Management
Rachel Skaggs
Arts Administration, Education and Policy
The Lawrence and Isabel Barnett Charitable Foundation
Established January 27, 2017, with gifts from the Lawrence and Isabel Barnett Charitable Foundation. The income supports a professorship position designated to the College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Arts Administration, Education, and Policy.

M.S. Newman Professorship
Patrick Woodward, PhD
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Family, friends, and colleagues of Dr. Newman
Established June 7, 1979 by family, friends, and colleagues of Dr. Newman. The income supports a professorship recognizing a Department of Chemistry faculty member for excellence, creativity, and dedication to academic endeavors, especially teaching.

M.S. Sofia Chair in Arabic Studies
Ahmad Al-Jallad, PhD
Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
Zuheir Sofia
Established June 1, 1990; supports a distinguished scholar whose professional activities and academic credentials will contribute to the development of a greater understanding and awareness of Arabic language, culture, heritage and literature; the dissemination of such knowledge in both the academy and the community.

Major General Raymond E. Mason, Jr. Chair of Military History
Peter R. Mansoor
Department of History
Major General Raymond E. Mason, Jr.
Established July 11, 1997, by Major General Mason. The income supports the chair who is a recognized, published expert on all or some of these subjects: history of American military policy and institutions, U.S. wartime operations, civil-military relations and the history of the U.S. military profession.

Margaret Hall and Robert Randall Rinehart Chair
Brad J. Bushman
School of Communication
Margaret Hall and Robert Randall Rinehart (B.S. 1937) and the Rinehart Family Trust
Established April 1, 2005, with gifts from the estates of Margaret Hall and Robert Randall Rinehart (BS 1937) and the Rinehart Family Trust. The income is used to provide a chair position in the School of Communication for an individual who teaches courses in magazine publishing and is regarded as a scholar and teacher in the field of mass communication.

Martha N. and John C. Moser Chair in Arthropod Biosystematics and Biological Diversity
Norman F. Johnson, PhD
Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
Dr. John C. Moser
Established April 4, 2014, with gifts from Dr. John C. Moser (BS 1951, MS 1954). The income is used to support a chair position for the Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Miltiadis Marinakis Endowed Professorship of Modern Greek Language and Culture
Georgios Anagnostou, PhD
Department of Classics
Ohio Hellenic Paideia and other supporters
Established June 4, 2020 by Ohio Hellenic Paideia (formerly the Modern Greek Steering Committee) and other supporters. The income supports a professorship of Modern Greek language and culture.

Phyllis and Richard Leet Endowed Chair in Chemistry
Thaliyil Rajanbabu, PhD
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phyllis and Richard Leet
Established May 14, 2010, with gifts from Phyllis and Richard Leet (PhD, 1952). The income is used to support a chair position in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Ralph D. Mershon Professorship in National Security Studies
Alexander Wendt, PhD
Political Science
Ralph D. Mershon
Established November 5, 2004; supports a stellar faculty member in national security studies.

Robert K. and Dale J. Weary Chair in Social Psychology
The Weary Family Foundation and Gifford Weary
Established February 6, 2009, with gifts from The Weary Family Foundation and Gifford Weary.

Robert K. Fox Professorship in Chemistry Fund
Abraham Badu-Tawiah, PhD
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
The Fox Foundation, Inc.
Established August 23, 1989, by the Fox Foundation, Inc. The income provides salary and program support for the professorship.

Robert Lazarus Professorship in Population Studies
Mrs. Robert Lazarus, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lazarus, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Howard Sirak, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Witkind, Mr. and Mrs. Junius Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lazarus, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Lazarus, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lazarus and Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Y. Lazarus.
Established October 14, 1965 by Mrs. Robert Lazarus, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lazarus, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Howard Sirak, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Witkind, Mr. and Mrs. Junius Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lazarus, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Lazarus, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lazarus, and Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Y. Lazarus in honor of the 75th birthday of Robert Lazarus.

Robert Max Thomas Professorship
Zhengyu Liu
Department of Geography
Estate of Robert Max Thomas
Established November 6, 2015 with a fund transfer by the College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Geography of unrestricted gifts from the estate of Robert Max Thomas (BSBA 1949) and additional department funds. The income is used to support a professorship in the Department of Geography.

Robert Smith Endowed Professorship in Physics
Dongping Zhong, PhD
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Robert Beaton Smith
Established July 8, 2005 by Robert Beaton Smith, the income supports a distinguished senior faculty member in the Department of Physics whose teaching and research may focus on any area of physics.

Rod Sharp Professorship in Microbiology
Igor Jouline, PhD
Department of Microbiology
Anonymous donor
Established December 5, 1986 by an anonymous donor. The income provides salary and program support for an outstanding teacher and leader in microbial diversity in the Department of Microbiology, researching industrial, environmental and/or medical applications of microorganisms.

Roy Lichtenstein Endowed Chair of Studio Art
Carmen Winant
Department of Art
Roy Lichtenstein Foundation
Established January 27, 2017, with a gift from the Roy Lichtenstein Foundation. Supports a prospective professor who is a nationally recognized scholar and whose position will increase the total number of professors in Art, and provides discretionary funds for research, lectures, travel and other academic projects.

Roy Lichtenstein Foundation Endowed Chair of Art History
Jody Patterson
Department of History of Art
Roy Lichtenstein Foundation
Established January 27, 2017. Supports a prospective professor who is a nationally recognized scholar and whose position will increase the total number of professors in Art History, and provides discretionary funds for research, lectures, travel and other academic projects.

Samuel and Esther Melton Chair of Jewish History and Studies
Matt Goldish
Department of History
Samuel Mendel Melton
Established July 8, 1965, by Samuel Mendel Melton.

Samuel and Esther Melton Chair of Jewish History and Studies
Ori Yehudai, PhD
Department of History
Estate of Saul Schottenstein
Established February 11, 2011, with a gift from the estate of Saul Schottenstein via his trustee, Susan Schottenstein Diamond. Supports an endowed chair position dedicated to Israel Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Seth Andre Myers Professorship in Global Military History
Lydia Walker, PhD
Department of History
Stephen Myers
Established August 19, 2021, with gifts from Stephen Myers; used to support a professorship position in the Department of History focused on global military history.

Steve R. and Sarah E. O'Donnell Professorship in Philosophy
Steve R. and Sarah E. O'Donnell
Established June 5, 1987 by Steve and Sarah O'Donnell. The income provides compensation and program support for distinguished philosophy scholars.

Vernal G. Riffe Professorship in Government and Politics
Janet Box-Steffensmeier, PhD
Department of Political Science
Friends and associates of Vernal Riffe
Established December 1, 1995 by friends and associates of Vernal Riffe. The income funds salary and program support for a distinguished teacher/scholar in the Department of Political Science with interests in American government and politics.

Vorman-Anderson Professorship of Nordic Languages and Literatures
Estate of Helen Vorman-Anderson
Established April 3, 1998 from the estate of Helen Vorman-Anderson. The income supports a professor in the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures who primarily teaches Nordic Languages, with an emphasis on Swedish language and literature.

Warner Woodring Chair in History
Established May 4, 2001 by an anonymous donor. The income is used to recruit and/or retain a distinguished scholar in American history (colonial beginnings through the Civil War), British history or the history of the Atlantic community (comparative American and British history with emphasis on constitutional and legal history).

Vernal G. Riffe Professorship in Government and Politics
Christopher Nichols, PhD
Family and Friends of Woody Hayes
Established June 6, 1996, supports a chair position in National Security Studies in the Mershon Center.