College of Education and Human Ecology

Endowed Faculty: College of Education and Human Ecology

Pinnell Endowed Professorship in Reading
Department of Teaching and Learning
Gay Su Pinnell
The Pinnell Endowed Professorship in Reading was established June 4, 2020 by Dr. Gay Su Pinnel (MA 1968 and PhD 1975). The income supports a professorship position in the Department of Teaching and Learning, College of Education and Human Ecology by a faculty member who has an established record of scholarship excellence in the area of reading, particularly early reading experiences/Reading Recovery, has research or teaching experience in elementary school settings, has a strong program of research and record of seeking and/or obtaining external funding, has completed, or agrees to take and complete, Reading Recovery Trainer training, will teach courses in Reading Recovery training and shall be involved in national and/or international leadership in Reading Recovery and the Literacy Collaborative (or its successor).

Charlotte S. Huck Professorship in Children's Literature
Jonda C. McNair, PhD
Department of Teaching and Learning
Alumni and friends of Professor Charlotte Huck
The Charlotte S. Huck Professorship in Children's Literature was established July 11, 1986 by alumni and friends of Professor Huck at her retirement. The income supports a distinguished professor in children's literature.

Marie Clay Endowed Chair in Reading Recovery and Early Literacy
Courtney Jatana, DDS, MS, FACS
Reading Recovery
Reading Recovery and Early Literacy, Inc.
Established August 29, 2001, by Reading Recovery and Early Literacy, Inc. Distribution supports salaries and research of tenure-track faculty in Reading Recovery and may support the continuation of Reading Recovery and related literacy projects at the university.

Mary Fried Endowed Clinical Professorship
Jamie Lipp, PhD
Department of Teaching and Learning
Gay Su Pinnell
Mary Fried Endowed Clinical Professorship was established June 4, 2020 by Dr. Gay Su Pinnel (MA 1968 and PhD 1975). The income supports a clinical faculty member in the Department of Teaching and Learning and Reading Recovery programs (or successors), through providing leadership support and enhanced, evidence-based training.

Nina Mae Mattus Professorship
Tasha Lewis, PhD
Department of Human Sciences
Estate of Nina Mae Mattus
The Nina Mae Mattus Professorship was established April 3, 2009 with an estate gift from Nina Mattus. The income is used to provide a professorship position focused on textiles and clothing in the Department of Consumer Sciences in the College of Education and Human Ecology.

Novice G. Fawcett Chair in Educational Administration
Roger D. Goddard, PhD
Department of Educational Studies
Members of the Board of Trustees
The Novice G. Fawcett Chair in Educational Administration was established October 12, 1966, as a professorship, by trustees and former trustees on the occasion of President Fawcett's 10th anniversary. At his retirement, friends established this chair in his honor.

William H and Laceryjette V. Casto Professorship in Interprofessional Education Fund
Department of Education Studies
William H. and Laceryjette V. Casto, their families, and the Interprofessional Commision of Ohio
The William H. and Laceryjette V. Casto Professorship in Interprofessional Education Fund was established June 7, 2002 with gifts from William and Laceryjette Casto, their families, and additional gifts from the Interprofessional Commission of Ohio. The income is used to support and enhance the work of a distinguished professor in interprofessional education in the College of Education and Human Ecology in partnership with the Interprofessional Commission of Ohio.

Carol S. Kennedy Professorship in Human Nutrition
Estate of Carol S. Kennedy
The Carol S. Kennedy Professorship in Human Nutrition was established December 7, 1978 from her estate. The income supports a distinguished scholar in the Department of Human Nutrition and Food Management.

Ted and Lois Cyphert Distinguished Professorship in Teacher Education
Ana-Paula Correia, PhD
Department of Educational Studies
Frederick R. "Ted" and Lois Cyphert
The Ted and Lois Cyphert Distinguished Professorship in Teacher Education was established February 4, 1994 with gifts from Frederick R. "Ted" and Lois Cyphert in recognition of their commitment to teacher education and in recognition of Ted Cyphert's years of service on the faculty and as dean of the College of Education. The income is used to support the research, teaching, and management activities of a distinguished professor in the field of general/generic teacher education in the College of Education and Human Ecology.

William Ray and Marie Adamson Flesher Professorship in Educational Administration
Matthew Mayhew
Department of Educational Studies
Marie Adamson Flesher
The William Ray and Marie Adamson Flesher Professorship in Educational Administration was established June 10, 1982 by Marie Flesher in memory of her husband. Both Drs. served The Ohio State University with distinction for many years. The income supports a distinguished educational administration scholar.