College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

Endowed Faculty: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

C. William Swank Chair in Rural and Urban Policy
Mark Partridge, PhD
Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics
Nationwide Insurance Enterprise Foundation, friends, colleagues, and members of the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation
Established April 7, 1995, by Nationwide Insurance Enterprise Foundation, friends, colleagues and members of the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation through The Foundation. Distribution supports the work of a distinguished professor whose research, teaching and public service focus on the economic and/or legal dimensions of the rural and urban interface, including issues relating to farming on the urban fringe, quality of life, externalities and environmental regulations, management and the industrialization of agriculture.

Carl E. Haas Chair in Food Industries
Dr. Osvaldo Campanella
Department of Food Science and Technology
Carl E. Haas and friends
Established July 11, 1980, by Mr. Haas, industry, alumni and friends. Income provides salary and program support for an individual who will provide leadership in the food industries.

D. C. Kiplinger Chair in Floriculture
Michelle Jones, PhD
Department of Horticulture and Crop Science
Dr. Kiplinger's friends, members of the Ohio Florists Association, and members of the University Floriculture/Landscape Horticulture Alumni Association
Established September 9, 1977, by Dr. Kiplinger’s friends, members of the Ohio Florists Association and members of the University Floriculture/Landscape Horticulture Alumni Association. Income provides salary and program support for a distinguished scholar and researcher in floriculture.

Dale A. Seiberling Professorship in Food Engineering
Dennis R. Heldman, PhD
Department of Food, Agricultural, and Biological Enginerring
Dale A. Seiberling and Jean F. Seiberling
The Dale A. Seiberling Professorship in Food Engineering was established May 4, 2001 with gifts from Dale A. Seiberling and Jean F. Seiberling. The income is used to support a professor specializing in food engineering with preference given to dairy engineering in the Department of Food Science and Technology.

Dr. Rattan Lal Endowed Professorship
James Ippolito
Rattan Lal
Established November 21, 2019 with gifts from Dr. Rattan Lal PhD 1968. Income supports a professorship in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences focused on sustainable management of soil resources for food, climate and environmental security. Revised and position established August 19, 2021.

Engineering Entrepreneurship Professorship
An anonymous donor
Engineering Entrepreneurship Professorship was established May 19, 2022, with gifts from an anonymous donor to emphasize his/her/their beliefs in non-partisan teaching and research. Income used to support a professorship position in the Department of Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering for the person who best exemplifies the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit of the department.

Farm Income Enhancement Endowed Chair in Agricultural Policy, Trade and Marketing
Ani Katchova, PhD
Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics
Nationwide Insurance Company, the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation and the State of Ohio
Established April 8, 1988, by Nationwide Insurance Company, the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation and the state of Ohio. Income supports a professor whose research, teaching and public service focus on innovation and imaginative solutions to marketing and policy issues facing agriculture.

Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Professorship
John Fulton, PhD
Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Anonymous Donor
The Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Professorship Fund was established April 6, 2007 with gifts from an anonymous donor. The income is used to support a distinguished professor in the Department of Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering who is accomplished in teaching, research and public service with preference given to expertise in advanced mechanical systems and focused on commercialization of emerging opportunities primarily for the benefit of Ohio agriculture.

Francis B. McCormick Professorship in Agricultural Marketing and Policy
Estate of Francis B. McCormick
The Francis B. McCormick Professorship in Agricultural Marketing and Policy was established June 7, 1991 from his estate. The income supports a distinguished professor in agricultural marketing and policy.

Fred N. Van Buren Professorship in Farm Management
Brian E. Roe, PhD
Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics
Estate of Fred N. Van Buren
Established November 1, 1985 from the estate of Fred N. Van Buren. The income supports a professor in farm management and may also supplement salaries of outstanding scholars, enrich the curriculum of farm management, or fund other activities that will significantly enhance the teaching of farm management for the benefit of students and farm clientele.

George R. and Genevieve B. Gist Endowed Chair in Ohio State University Extension
Gregory Davis, PhD
OSU Extension
George R. and Genevieve B. Gist
Established June 4, 2004, by the Gists’ estates, through The Foundation. Distribution supports a distinguished extension professor in the Departments of Horticulture and Crop Science (crop science emphasis) and Human and Community Resource Development (extension education with an administration and leadership focus).

J.T. "Stubby" Parker Chair in Dairy Foods
Rafael Jimenez-Flores, PhD
Department of Food Science and Technology
Thomas L. Parker
Established February 2, 1990, by Thomas L. Parker in memory of his father. Income supports a distinguished professor whose research, teaching and public service focus on stimulating new research into the chemical, microbial and/or engineering phases of the dairy foods industry.

Professorship in Plant Protection
Laurence V. Madden
Department of Plant Pathology
Alumni, industry, and friends
The Professorship in Plant Protection was established July 11, 1980 by alumni, industry, and friends. The income provides salary and program support for a distinguished scholar and researcher in the field of plant protection.

Sandy and Andy Ross Endowed Director of the Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Gardens
Laura Deeter, PhD
Horticulture and Crop Science
Sandra and M. Andrew Ross
Established September 2, 2016, with a grant recommended by Sandra (BA 1970) and M. Andrew (BA 1964, JD 1967) Ross. Income used to support a director position in Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Gardens.

Sanford G. Price and Isabelle P. Barbee Chair in Teaching, Advising and Learning
Shannon G. Washburn, PhD
William H. Price II
Established February 1, 2002, by William H. Price II through The Foundation in memory of his father and his aunt. Income supports the work of a distinguished professor focusing on improving the quality of teaching and advising through leadership in research, teaching and advising workshops and collaboration with other faculty.

The Andersons Endowed Chair in Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Policy
Ian Sheldon, PhD
Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics
The Andersons
Established November 1, 1985, with a gift from The Andersons, the prominent agricultural grain and supply firm headquartered in Maumee, Ohio; used to support the work of a distinguished chair whose research, teaching and public service focus on agricultural marketing, agricultural policy, macroeconomics and/or international trade.

Virginia Hutchison Bazler and Frank E. Bazler Chair in Food Science
Ahmed Yousef, PhD
Food Science and Technology
Estate of Virginia Hutchison Bazler and Frank E. Bazler
The Virginia Hutchison Bazler and Frank E. Bazler Chair in Food Science was established November 19, 2020 from the estate of Virginia Hutchison Bazler and Frank E. Bazler. The income supports a chair position in an area of food science and technology with preference given to food safety.

W.K. Kellogg Foundation Endowed Chair in Agricultural Ecosystems Management
Douglas Jackson-Smith
School of Environment and Natural Resources
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Established September 13, 1996, by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Income supports a distinguished professor whose research, teaching and public service focus on ecosystems design and management and on farming systems.