College of Medicine

Endowed Faculty: College of Medicine

Abercrombie & Fitch Chair in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
Abercrombie & Fitch
The Abercrombie & Fitch Chair in Inflammatory Bowel Disease was established February 1, 2008, with gifts from Abercrombie & Fitch. The income is used to support a chair position in the College of Medicine for a nationally or internationally recognized physician faculty member in the field of inflammatory bowel disease.

American Electric Power Foundation Chair in Burn Care
Nicole Bernal, MD
Trauma Surgery
American Electric Power
Established June 24, 2011, with gifts from American Electric Power; used for a chair position supporting a nationally or internationally recognized physician faculty member in the Division of Critical Care, Trauma and Burn in the Department of Surgery in the College of Medicine.

Anne K. "Nancy" Jeffrey Endowed Professorship for Mental Health Equity and Resilience
Anthony King, PhD
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health
Anne Jeffrey Wright and Elizabeth Jeffrey Balderston
Established May 19, 2022, with grants from The Columbus Foundation through a donor-advised fund advised by Anne Jeffrey Wright and Elizabeth Jeffrey Balderston. Used to support a professorship position in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health. Candidates should focus on studies working towards enhancing mental health equity and resilience amongst marginalized and underserved communities.

Battelle Professorship in Inhalation Therapeutics
Philip Diaz, MD
Critical Care Medicine
Battelle Memorial Institute
The Battelle Professorship in Inhalation Therapeutics was established Spetember 5, 1997 by the Battelle Memorial Institute. The income supports a professorship, held by a distinguished scholar, who researches the pulmonary transport of therapeutic agents with diverse chemo-phyical properties.

Belford Family Endowed Chair in Spinal Cord Injury
Dana McTigue, PhD
Neuroscience and Center for Brain and Spinal Cord Repair
Belford Family Charitable Fund, Inc
The Belford Family Endowed Chair in Spinal Cord Injury (Belford Family Chair) in The Belford Center for Spinal Cord Injury (Center) was established August 31, 2018, with a gift from the Belford Family Charitable Fund, Inc.

Bernie Frick Research Chair in Heart Failure and Arrhythmia
Isabelle Deschenes, PhD
Physiology & Cell Biology
Bernie Frick
The Bernie Frick Research Chair in Heart Failure and Arrhythmia was established with gifts from Bob and Corrine Frick of Westerville, Ohio. The income is used to support a research chair position for a nationally or internationally recognized researcher in the specialty of heart failure and arrhythmia in the Davis Heart & Lung Research Institute.

Bert C. Wiley, MD, Chair in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Jennifer A. Bogner, PhD
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Established May 7, 1993, anonymously in his honor. Income supports a faculty chair position in the department.

Bob and Corrine Frick Chair in Cardiac Electrophysiology
Ralph Augostini, MD
Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology
Bob and Corrine Frick
Established January 29, 2016, with gifts made in honor of Ralph S. Augostini, MD, from Bob and Corrine Frick of Westerville, Ohio; used to support a chair position for a nationally or internationally recognized physician faculty member in the specialty of clinical cardiac electrophysiology in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, including Ohio State’s Heart and Vascular Center, with preference given to a candidate who has clinical and research interests including electrophysiology, pacing and ablation.

Bob and Corrine Frick Chair in Heart Failure
Bob and Corrine Frick
Established April 7, 2017, with gifts from Bob and Corrine Frick of Westerville, Ohio, this chair will support a nationally or internationally recognized physician faculty member in the specialty of heart failure in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, including the OSU Heart and Vascular Center and the Richard M. Ross Heart Hospital.

Bob Frick Research Chair in Heart Failure and Arrhythmia
Sakima A. Smith, MD
Davis Heart & Lung Research Institute
Bob and Corrine Frick
Established February 25, 2021, with a gift from Bob and Corrine Frick; used to support a research chair position in the specialty of heart failure and arrhythmia in the Davis Heart & Lung Research Institute whose research efforts support the work within the Bob and Corrine Frick Center for Heart Failure and Arrhythmia.

Bruce and Susan Edwards Sports Medicine Endowed Professorship
Robert A. Magnussen, MD
Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine
Bruce A. and Susan R. Edwards
The Bruce and Susan Edwards Sports Medicine Endowed Professorship was established January 30, 2015 with gifts from Bruce A. and Susan R. Edwards of Westerville, Ohio. The income is used for a professorship position in the OSU Sports Medicine Center supporting a nationally or internationally recognized faculty member in sports medicine or in the Sports Health and Performance Institute to foster innovation and excellence and to enhance the academic mission of the Center.

Burghes Professorship in the College of Medicine
Department of Biological Chemistry and Pharmacology
The Burghes Professorship in the College of Medicine was established February 16, 2023, with a fund transfer by the Department of Biological Chemistry and Pharmacology; supports a professorship position in the Department of Biological Chemistry and Pharmacology in the College of Medicine. Expenditures may be used to support, but are not limited to, faculty salary and research activities. If the position is vacant, the annual distribution may be used to support faculty in the department.

Carl M. and Grace C. Baldwin Chair in Ophthalmology
Carl M. and Grace C. Baldwin
Established June 7, 2002, from the Baldwins’ estate. Income supports a nationally eminent physician faculty member for the study of the eye, causes of blindness, the restoration of sight to the blind and the treatment of persons threatened with loss of sight.

Chair of Excellence in Cardiovascular Medicine
Yuchi Han, MD
Cardiovascular Disease
Community Leaders, Other Advocates of the Heart Program
Established June 6, 2008, with gifts from community leaders and other advocates of the heart program; used to provide a chair position supporting a nationally or internationally recognized physician faculty member in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine to foster innovation and excellence in the field. Revised September 18, 2009. Revised to a chair April 8, 2011.

Charles A. Bush M.D. Professorship in Cardiovascular Medicine
Ernest Mazzaferri, Jr., MD
Interventional Cardiology
Friends, grateful patients, medical alumni, faculty and other colleagues
The Charles A. Bush M.D. Professorship in Cardiovascular Medicine was established April 10, 2015 with gifts made by friends, grateful patients, medical alumni (including past residents and fellows), faculty and other colleagues and given in honor of the career and leadership of Dr. Charles A. Bush of Powell, Ohio. The income is used for a professorship in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine in the Department of Internal Medicine supporting a nationally or internationally recognized physician faculty member in the field of Cardiology.

Charles Austin Doan Chair of Medicine
Ray Hershberger, MD
John G. and Mary J. Love
Established September 13, 1963, by John G. and Mary J. Love in recognition of Dr. Doan. Income funds the advancement of medical knowledge, the encouragement of academic medical careers and research in the health sciences.

Charles F. Sinsabaugh Chair in Psychiatry
Nicholas Breitborde, PhD
Center for Psychiatry and Behavioral Health
Charles F. Sinsabaugh, MD
Established May 13, 1996, with gifts from Charles F. Sinsabaugh, MD; used to support a chair position to be held by a nationally eminent faculty member with a preference in schizophrenia or a related psychiatric field.

Clayton C. Wagner Parkinson’s Disease Professorship
Aristide Merola, MD, PhD
Established May 20, 2021, with a fund transfer by the College of Medicine of gifts to The Clayton C. Wagner Parkinson's Disease Research Professorship from the estate of an anonymous donor made in memory of Clayton C. Wagner; used for a professorship position to support the advancement of medical knowledge of Parkinson's disease towards finding the cause, innovative treatments, and cure. Support shall be provided to a distinguished researcher, teacher, and practitioner in the College of Medicine for basic or clinically-relevant research, to include both genetic and epidemiological factors.

Clayton C. Wagner Parkinson’s Disease Research Professorship
Established December 3, 1999, with gifts from an anonymous donor made in memory of Clayton C. Wagner. Used for a professorship position to support the advancement of medical knowledge of Parkinson's disease towards finding the cause, innovative treatments, and cure. Support shall be provided to a distinguished researcher, teacher, and practitioner in the College of Medicine for basic or clinically-relevant research, to include both genetic and epidemiological factors.

Corrine Frick Chair in Cardiac Electrophysiology
John Hummel, MD
Bob Frick and Corrine Frick
Corrine Frick Chair in Cardiac Electrophysiology was established February 10, 2022, with gifts from Bob Frick and Corrine Frick; used to support a chair position in the specialty of cardiac electrophysiology in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine whose efforts support the work within the Bob and Corrine Frick Center for Heart Failure and Arrhythmia. If the position is vacant, the annual distribution shall be used for faculty support in the center.

Corrine Frick Research Chair in Heart Failure and Arrhythmia
Vadim Fedorov, PhD
Physiology and Cell Biology
Bob and Corrine Frick
Established November 21, 2019, with gifts from Bob and Corrine Frick of Westerville, Ohio, this chair will support a nationally or internationally recognized research chair in the specialty of heart failure and arrhythmia in the Davis Heart & Lung Research Institute.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Professorship in the College of Medicine
Arwa Shana'ah, MD
Department of Pathology
OSU Pathology Services, LLC
Established November 17, 2022, with a fund transfer by OSU Pathology Services, LLC; used to support a professorship position in the Department of Pathology in the College of Medicine. Expenditures may be used to support, but are not limited to, diversity, equity and inclusion activities.

Doctor John D. and E. Olive Brumbaugh Chair in Brain Research and Teaching
Dr. John D. Brumbaugh
Established June 4, 1993, from his estate. Income supports a faculty chair in human brain research and teaching, including anatomy, physiology, pathology and therapeutics.

Donald A. Senhauser, MD, Chair in Pathology
University Pathology Services and friends and colleagues of Dr. Senhauser
Established July 12, 2002, by University Pathology Services and friends and colleagues of Dr. Senhauser. The income funds a chair, supporting research, education and improved patient care outcomes, and it encourages participation and leadership in national and international organizations, and the promotion of the department and the discipline of pathology.

Dottie Dohan Shepard Professorship in Cardiovascular Medicine
Curt Daniels, MD
Department of Cardiovascular Disease
Arthur E. Shepard
The Dottie Dohan Shepard Professorship in Cardiovascular Medicine was established April 4, 2014 by Arthur E. Shepard (attended, 1935) of Columbus, Ohio, and given in memory of his wife, Dottie Dohan Shepard. The income is used for a professorship position supporting a nationally or internationally recognized physician faculty member in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine to foster innovation and excellence in cardiovascular medicine.

Dr. Benjamin R. and Helen Slack Wiltberger Memorial Chair in Orthopaedic Surgery
Elizabeth Yu, MD
Orthopaedic Surgery
Helen Slack Wiltberger
Established April 6, 2001; supports the work of a nationally eminent orthopaedic surgeon/faculty member in research and treatment in orthopaedic surgery, particularly of the spine.

Dr. Ernest W. Johnson Chair
Whitney Luke, MD
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Friends and colleagues in honor of Dr. Ernest W. Johnson
Established May 1, 1992, with gifts from friends and colleagues in honor of Dr. Ernest W. Johnson (BA 1948, MD 1952, MS 1957); supports research in physical medicine and rehabilitation in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in the College of Medicine.

Dr. Floyd M. Beman Chair in Gastroenterology
Georgios Papachristou, MD
Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition
Mr. Irvin L. and Helen L. Allison
Established January 29, 2016, with gifts from Irvin L. and Helen M. Lyon Allison of Columbus, Ohio, in honor of Floyd M. Beman, MD, Professor of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, The Ohio State University College of Medicine. The Beman Chair supports research and training in gastroenterology, including such things as graduate fellowships, equipment, consumable supplies for research, salary for the faculty chair holder and other costs of an active researcher.

Dr. Lee A. Hebert Endowed Professorship in Nephrology
Brad H. Rovin, MD
Division of Nephrology
Colleagues and grateful patients including gifts from OSU Internal Medicine, LLC, Division of Nephrology and Casto-Ohio Properties LTD
The Dr. Lee A. Hebert Endowed Professorship in Nephrology was established August 29, 2014 with gifts given in honor of Dr. Hebert from colleagues and grateful patients including gifts from OSU Internal Medicine, LLC, and the Division of Nephrology and Casto-Ohio Properties, LTD. The income is used for a professorship position in the Division of Nephrology in the Department of Internal Medicine, supporting a nationally or internationally recognized physician faculty member in the field of Nephrology with a focus on research in the immunology of kidney diseases.

Dr. Lee E. Shackelford Professorship in Psychiatry and Behavioral Health
Nina Kraguljac, MD
Psychiatry and Behavioral Health
Dr. Lee E. Shackelford
The Dr. Lee E. Shackelford Professorship in Psychiatry and Behavioral Health was established May 18, 2023, with gifts from Dr. Lee E. Shackelford (MD 1988); supports a professorship position in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health. Revised May 18, 2023. Should the gifted endowment principal balance reach $3,500,000 by December 31, 2025, the endowment shall be revised to the Dr. Lee E. Shackelford Chair in Psychiatry and Behavioral Health. Thereafter, the annual distribution from this fund shall support a chair position in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health. After December 31, 2025, the endowment may be revised if the gifted endowment principal balance reaches the minimum funding level required at that date for a chair position.

Dr. Paul A. Weber Fund in Ophthalmology
Friends and colleagues of Paul A. Weber
Established February 27, 2020, with gifts from family, friends and colleagues in his honor. Income establishes a professorship or chair position for a nationally or internationally recognized physician faculty member in the specialty of Ophthalmology in the Department of Ophthalmology.

Dr. Samuel T. and Lois Felts Mercer Professorship of Medicine and Pharmacology
Julie Johnson, PharmD
Outcomes and Translational Sciences
Dr. Samuel T. Mercer
The Dr. Samuel T. and Lois Felts Mercer Professorship of Medicine and Pharmacology was established September 1, 1993 by Dr. Mercer in memory of his beloved wife. The income supports a professorship of medicine and pharmacology.

E. Thomas Boles Jr. MD Chair in Pediatric Surgery
Oluyinka O. Olutoye, MD, PhD
Surgeon-in-Chief, Nationwide Children's Hospital
Dr. E. Thomas Boles, Jr
Established February 2, 1996, with gifts from Dr. E. Thomas Boles Jr.; used to support a chair in the Division of Pediatric Surgery in the Department of Surgery to be held by a nationally or internationally recognized physician faculty member who is the director of the division and/or surgeon-in-chief of pediatric surgery at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

Edwin H. and E. Christopher Ellison Professorship
Bradley Needleman, MD
General Surgery
Colleagues, family, friends and OSU Surgery LLC
The Edwin H. and E. Christopher Ellison Professorship was established April 6, 2018 with gifts from colleagues, family and friends, and a fund transfer from OSU Surgery LLC to honor the accomplishments of the late Dr. Edwin H. Ellison and of his son, Dr. E. Christopher Ellison, as both physicians have made a significant impact on the field of general surgery at The Ohio State University. The income is used to support a professorship for a nationally or internationally recognized physician faculty member in clinical or academic leadership in the field of surgery.

Endowed Professorship for Research in Internal Medicine
Joshua Joseph, MD
OSU Internal Medicine LLC
The Endowed Professorship for Research in Internal Medicine was established May 18, 2023, with a gift from OSU Internal Medicine LLC; used for a professorship for the advancement of research in internal medicine and shall be held by a faculty member who is or shall be a member of the Department of Internal Medicine in the College of Medicine. The professorship shall be held by a nationally eminent faculty member who has distinguished himself/herself in the performance of internal medicine research and maintains an active productive research program.

Endowed Professorship in Gastroenterology Research
OSU Internal Medicine LLC
Established November 17, 2022, with a fund transfer by OSU Internal Medicine LLC.Used for a professorship for the advancement of basic and translational research in gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition and shall be held by a faculty member who is or shall be a member of the Department of Internal Medicine in the College of Medicine.

Endowed Professorship in Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Research
Zobeida Cruz-Monserrate, PhD
Internal Medicine
OSU Internal Medicine LLC
Established November 17, 2022, with a fund transfer by OSU Internal Medicine LLC.Used for a professorship for the advancement of basic and translational research in gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition and shall be held by a faculty member who is or shall be a member of the Department of Internal Medicine in the College of Medicine.

Endowed Professorship in Health Services Research
Daniel E. Jonas, MD
Department of Internal Medicine
OSU Internal Medicine LLC
The Endowed Professorship in Health Services Research was established February 10, 2022, with a fund transfer by OSU Internal Medicine LLC; used for a professorship for the advancement of basic and translational research in health services and shall be held by a faculty member who is or shall be a member of the Department of Internal Medicine in the College of Medicine. The professorship shall be held by a nationally eminent faculty member who has distinguished himself/herself in the performance of health services research and maintains an active productive research program. If the position is vacant, the annual distribution may be used to support the faculty in the College of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine.

Endowed Professorship in Internal Medicine Research
OSU Internal Medicine LLC
The Endowed Professorship in Internal Medicine Research was established May 18, 2023, with a gift from OSU Internal Medicine LLC; used for a professorship for the advancement of basic and translational research in internal medicine and shall be held by a faculty member who is or shall be a member of the Department of Internal Medicine in the College of Medicine. The professorship shall be held by a nationally eminent faculty member who has distinguished himself/herself in the performance of internal medicine research and maintains an active productive research program.

Endowed Professorship in Pulmonary Research
Jeffrey Horowitz, MD
Department of Internal Medicine
OSU Internal Medicine LLC
The Endowed Professorship in Pulmonary Research was established February 10, 2022, with a fund transfer by OSU Internal Medicine LLC; used for a professorship for the advancement of basic and translational research in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep and shall be held by a faculty member who is or shall be a member of the Department of Internal Medicine in the College of Medicine. The professorship shall be held by a nationally eminent faculty member who has distinguished himself/herself in the performance of pulmonary, critical care, and sleep research and maintains an active productive research program. If the position is vacant, the annual distribution may be used to support the faculty in the College of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine.

Endowed Surgical Professorship in Health Equity
Samilia Obeng-Gyasi, MD
Surgical Oncology
OSU Physicians Inc.
Established November 16, 2023; supports a distinguished surgeon engaging in research, education, and clinical efforts that address the disparities in health care that adversely impact equitable care and health outcomes of marginalized groups.

Ernest Scott, M.D., Endowed Professorship in Pathology
Ramesh Ganju, PhD
Department of Pathology
Friends of the Department of Pathology and OSU Pathology, LLC
The Ernest Scott, M.D., Endowed Professorship in Pathology was established July 12, 2002 with gifts from friends of the Department of Pathology. An additional gift was made by OSU Pathology Services, LLC to honor the career of Ernest Scott, M.D., the first chairperson of the Department of Pathology (1904-34). The income is used to support a professorship position for the advancement of medical knowledge in the field of pathology research, both basic and clinical, and shall be held by an individual who is or shall be a member of the Department of Pathology in the College of Medicine. The professorship shall be held by a nationally eminent faculty member who has distinguished himself/herself in the performance of pathology research, is NIH-funded as a principal investigator, maintains an active productive research program, and is an effective educator-teacher.

Excellence in Research and Education Leadership Professorship in the College of Medicine
OSU Pathology Services, LLC
Excellence in Research and Education Leadership Professorship in the College of Medicine was established November 17, 2022, with a fund transfer by OSU Pathology Services, LLC. Used to support a professorship position for an eminent faculty member in the Department of Pathology in the College of Medicine to support the advancement of knowledge and educational leadership for undergraduate and graduate students. If the position is vacant, the annual distribution may be used to support faculty in the department.

Frank E. and Mary W. Pomerene Professorship in the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases
Susan Koletar, MD
Division of Infectious Diseases
Estate of Mary W. Pomerene
The Frank E. and Mary W. Pomerene Professorship in the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases was established April 10, 1969 from the estate of Mary Pomerene in memory of her husband. The income supports medical research in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

Frank J. Kloenne Chair in Orthopedic Surgery
Andrew Glassman, MD
Department of Orthopaedics
Jacqueline Kloenne Klein
Established February 7, 1997, by Jacqueline Kloenne Klein in memory of her husband through The Foundation. Income provides a chair to be held by a nationally eminent faculty member, preferably the chief of the Division of Orthopedic Surgery. The chair exclusively supports the advancement of medical knowledge in basic and clinical orthopedic surgery.

Fred A. Hitchcock Professorship in Environmental Physiology
Xun Ai, MD
Physiology and Cell Biology
Dr. Fred A. Hitchcock
Established March 7, 1975; supports a professorship in environmental physiology.

Frederick P. Zuspan, MD, Chair in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Maged Costantine, MD
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Dr. Zuspan; Colleagues and friends; Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Established June 5, 1992, by Dr. Zuspan, professor emeritus, colleagues, friends and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Income supports a professorship in the department. Unused income is reinvested to principal.

George T. Harding III, MD, Endowed Chair in Psychiatry
Emil F. Coccaro, MD
Family and friends of Dr. George T. Harding III, MD
Established November 1, 2002, by his family and friends through The Foundation. Distribution supports a psychiatrist engaged in clinical treatment and teaching activities, including creative curriculum development; efficient delivery within the economic system; modeling, mentoring and supervision of medical students and residents; and contributions to the professional literature. The chair will provide clinical care, with an emphasis on the provision and teaching of psychotherapy embracing domains of spirituality and ethics.

Gerard S. Kakos MD and Thomas E. Williams, Jr., MD, PhD, Professorship
Nahush Mokadam, MD
Department of Cardiac Surgery
Gerard Kakos, MD and gifts given in honor of Thomas E. Williams, MD
The Gerard S. Kakos MD and Thomas E. Williams, Jr., MD, PhD, Professorship was established April 6, 2012 with gifts from Gerard Kakos, MD of Columbus, Ohio and gifts given in honor of Thomas E. Williams, MD. The income is used for a professorship position in the Division of Cardiac Surgery in the Department of Surgery.

Gerlach Family Chair in Epilepsy
Gerlach family
The Gerlach Family Chair in Epilepsy was established February 10, 2022, with gifts from the Gerlach family; be used for a chair position in the Department of Neurology in the Neurological Institute, College of Medicine supporting a physician, physician scientist or scientist faculty member who is nationally or internationally recognized for their expertise in epilepsy. If the position is vacant, the annual distribution may be used to support the faculty in the Department of Neurology in the Neurological Institute, College of Medicine.

Gilbert and Kathryn Mitchell Chair
Krystof Bankiewicz, MD, PhD
Department of Neurological Surgery
Gilbert and Kathryn Mitchell
The Gilbert and Kathryn Mitchell Chair was established July 20, 1979, with their bequests. The income supports a chair researching cancer, heart, kidneys and eyes.

H. William Clatworthy, Jr., Professorship In Pediatric Surgery
Gail Besner, MD
Department of Pediatric Surgery
Dr. and Mrs. H. William Clatworthy, Jr.
The H. William Clatworthy, Jr. Professorship In Pediatric Surgery was established June 12, 1980 by Dr. and Mrs. H. William Clatworthy, Jr. and others. Eighty-five percent of the income supports a distinguished scholar in pediatric surgery and the remaining income is reinvested to the principal.

Hagop S. Mekhjian MD Chair in Medical Ethics and Professionalism
Ryan R. Nash, MD
Director, The Ohio State University Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities
Dr. Hagop Mekhjian M.D. and Mrs. Mary Mekhjian; Friends and colleagues
Established July 13, 2007, with gifts from Dr. Hagop Mekhjian, MD, and Mrs. Mary Mekhjian and multiple friends and colleagues; used to support a nationally or internationally recognized physician faculty member in the College of Medicine who brings expertise and leadership in medical ethics and professionalism into academic medicine while providing exemplary teaching, patient care and scholarly activities.

Harry C. and Mary Elizabeth Powelson Professorship of Medicine
Daniel M. Clinchot, MD
Department of Biomedical Education and Anatomy
Estate of Dr. Harry Powelson
The Harry C. and Mary Elizabeth Powelson Professorship of Medicine was established April 2, 1976 with a bequest from Dr. Harry Powelson. The income supports a professorship to provide tutorial services for worthy medical students in need.

Helen C. Kurtz Chair in Neurology
Helen and Ralph Kurtz
Established September 6, 1974, by Helen and Ralph Kurtz. Income supports, but is not limited to, teaching, enhancing research and developing clinical learning experiences in neurology.

Henry A. Wise II, MD, Endowed Chair in Urology
Bodo E. Knudsen, MD
Department of Urology
University Urology Education and Research Foundation, Inc; Friends of the Department of Urology; College of Medicine
Established February 2, 2007, with gifts from the University Urology Education and Research Foundation, Inc., and friends of the Department of Urology, with support from the College of Medicine; given in honor of Henry A. Wise II, MD (clinical professor emeritus, 2003; held positions of assistant professor, associate professor, division director and clinical professor in urology from 1972 to 2000) of Dublin, Ohio; used to support an endowed chair position in the Department of Urology in support of a nationally recognized urologist faculty member undertaking clinical, educational and research activities in the field of urology.

Henry G. Cramblett Chair in Medicine
Chief of Infectious Diseases, Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Helen Simpson Lambacher
Established May 5, 1988, from the estate of Helen Simpson Lambacher in memory of her parents, Lynn and Sarah Simpson, and in honor of Dr. Cramblett’s service as dean of the college and vice president for health sciences. Income provides salary and program support in the Department of Pediatrics for a distinguished pediatrician who is nationally noted for leading research and patient care in the area of infectious diseases.

Irene D. Hirsch Chair in Ophthalmology
Matthew Ohr, MD
Irene D. Hirsch
Established March 6, 1987, from her estate. Income supports a chair for research in diseases and treatment of the eyes.

Jack C. Geer M.D. Professorship in Pathology
Sujit Basu, MD, PhD
University Pathology Services and friends of the Department of Pathology
The Jack C. Geer M.D. Professorship in Pathology was established March 1, 2002 with gifts from University Pathology Services, Columbus, Ohio, and from other friends of the Department of Pathology. The income is used to provide a professorship position in the field of pathology research.

Jack M. George Chair
E. Doug Lewandowski, PhD
Director, Translational Research, Diabetes and Metabolism Research Center
Joan W. George
Established April 6, 1979, with gifts from the Kaplan-Halpert Foundation of Cleveland, Ohio, this chair will support a faculty chair position in the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism in the Department of Internal Medicine.

James Hay and Ruth Jansson Wilson Professorship In Cardiology Fund
Daniel Addison, MD
Interventional Cardiology
Ruth Jansson Wilson
The James Hay and Ruth Jansson Wilson Professorship in Cardiology was established February 6, 1981, by Mrs. Wilson in memory of her husband. The income provides salary and program support for a distinguished cardiologist, to include research, education and prevention.

James W. Overstreet Chair in Cardiology
Richard Gumina, MD, PhD
Interventional Cardiology
James W. Overstreet Fund of the Columbus Foundation
Established September 3, 1982, by the James W. Overstreet Fund of the Columbus Foundation. Income provides salary and program support for a distinguished cardiologist.

Jay J. Jacoby MD, PhD, Chair in Anesthesiology
Richard Urman, MD
Department of Anesthesiology
Helene Kurshan Jacoby
Established July 8, 2005, by Helene Kurshan Jacoby in honor and memory of her husband through The Foundation. Supports the chair of the Department of Anesthesiology, who is a nationally eminent anesthesiologist, professor of anesthesiology and an outstanding educator whose focus is to support the advancement of medical knowledge in the field through teaching, improved patient care and research.

Jeffrey Schottenstein Endowed Chair of Psychiatry and Resilience
Kinh Luan Phan, MD
Jay L. Schottenstein and Jean R. Schottenstein
Established August 18, 2022, with gifts from Jay L. Schottenstein and Jean R. Schottenstein (BS 1978). Used to support a chair position in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health. The holder of the position shall be focused on addressing mental health challenges including, but not limited to, reducing stigma and cultivating stress resilience.

Jewel and Frank Benson Family Research Professorship
Bryan Whitson, MD, PhD
Cardiac Surgery
Frank S. Benson III and Jewel Price Benson
The Jewel and Frank Benson Family Research Professorship was established February 27, 2020, with a gift from Frank S. Benson III and Jewel Price Benson. The income supports a professorship position in The Dorothy M. Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute. Qualifications for the position include, but are not limited to, an internationally renowned researcher or faculty member who focuses on the research of lung and pulmonary diseases, in particular, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and/or diseases related to lung transplant. First preference for the position is a surgeon scientist.

John A. Prior Professorship
John Christman, MD
Internal Medicine
Dr. John Prior, family and friends
The John A. Prior Professorship was established February 3, 1989 by Dr. Prior, family and friends. The income supports a professorship for teaching and research in pulmonary diseases through the Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Pulmonary Diseases, with the primary emphasis on research activities.

John G. and Jeanne Bonnet McCoy Chair in The Ohio State University Heart Center
Loren Wold, PhD
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology
John G. and Jeanne Bonnet McCoy
Established November 1, 2002, by the McCoys through The Foundation. Income supports a nationally eminent faculty member within the college and the Heart Center with preference to the Ross Heart Hospital director. As income permits, funds also support the chair's research in cardiology.

John G. Boutselis, MD Chair in Gynecology
Dr. and Mrs. John G. Boutselis
Established November 1, 1974, by Dr. and Mrs. Boutselis. Income supports a faculty chair in gynecological oncology in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

John H. and Mildred C. Lumley Chair in Medicine
Peter Mohler, PhD
Director, Dorothy M. Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute
John H. and Mildred C. Lumley
The John H. and Mildred C. Lumley Chair in Medicine was established December 6, 1990, from their estates. The income provides a chair for a nationally eminent faculty member to support the advancement of medical knowledge, with preference sequentially to research in heart, cancer and arthritis diseases.

John W. Wolfe Professorship in Cardiovascular Research
Orlando Simonetti, PhD
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine
Robert F. Wolfe and Edgar T. Wolfe Foundation

Joseph M. Ryan, MD Chair in Cardiovascular Medicine
Family members, friends and colleagues of Dr. Joseph M. Ryan
Established October 3, 1997, through The Foundation, by family members, friends and colleagues, in his honor. Income provides a chair for a nationally eminent faculty member with a distinguished record in basic and clinical cardiovascular research who maintains an active productive research program and who is an effective educator-teacher.

Judson D. Wilson Professorship in Orthopedic Surgery
Christopher Kaeding, MD
Division of Sports Medicine
Wolfe Associates, Inc., Preston W. Wolfe, John W. Wolfe, and friends and associates of Dr. Wilson
The Judson D. Wilson Professorship in Orthopedic Surgery was established February 4, 1977 by Wolfe Associates, Inc., Preston W. Wolfe, John W. Wolfe, and friends and associates of Dr. Wilson. The income provides salary and program support for a distinguished orthopedic surgeon.

Julius Skestos and Diana Skestos Chair in Urology
Kamal S. Pohar, MD
Department of Urology
George A. Skestos; OSU Urology, LLC; College of Medicine
Established September 17, 2010, with gifts from George A. Skestos and OSU Urology, LLC, and with support from the College of Medicine; used for an endowed chair position in the Department of Urology in support of a nationally recognized urologist faculty member undertaking clinical, educational and research activities in the field of urology.

Justine Skestos Chair in Minimally Invasive Neurological Spinal Surgery
George A. Skestos
Established June 2, 2006, by George A. Skestos in honor of his wife, Justine "Tina" Serednesky Skestos, through The Foundation. Distribution supports a nationally or internationally recognized physician faculty member specializing in minimally invasive neurological spinal surgery

Karl P. Klassen Chair of Thoracic Surgery
Hua Zhu, PhD
Division of Cardiac Surgery
Frederick E. Jones
Established November 7, 1975, by the late Frederick E. Jones. Distribution provides salary and program support for a distinguished thoracic surgeon and/or researcher.

Leslie H. and Abigail S. Wexner Dean's Chair in Medicine
Carol R. Bradford, MD
Mr. Leslie H. and Mrs. Abigail S. Wexner

Luther M. Keith Professorship in Surgery
Helen Q. Keith, Laurie Keith Walker, and Leighton M. Keith
Established July 6, 1990 by Helen Q. Keith, Laurie Keith Walker and Leighton M. Keith. The income supports a distinguished scholar in the Department of Surgery in the College of Medicine.

Martha G. and Milton Staub Chair for Research in Ophthalmology
Cynthia J. Roberts, PhD
Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Science
Martha G. and Milton Staub
Established December 9, 1982, by the Staubs. Income supports a distinguished researcher in ophthalmology.

Martha Morehouse Chair in Arthritis and Immunology Research
Wael N. Jarjour, MD
Division of Rheumatology & Immunology
Martha Morehouse
Established July 7, 2000, by her estate in her memory and that of her son, the late Edward "Buck" Morehouse Johnson through The Foundation. Income supports the advancement of medical knowledge in the areas of arthritis and immunology and provides salary support for a chair held by a nationally eminent faculty member in the Division of Rheumatology and Immunology.

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Chair for Clinical Research
Eugene Oltz, PhD
Microbial Infection and Immunity
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Established October 6, 1989; supports a chair for a nationally eminent faculty member supporting clinical research in the college and in University Hospitals in areas of mutual interest to the donor and the university.

Olga Jonasson, MD Professorship in Surgery
Carrie Sims, MD, PhD
Surgical Critical Care
OSU Surgery, LLC
Established August 30, 2019, with a transfer from OSU Surgery, LLC and gifts from colleagues, family, and friends to honor the memory and accomplishments of Dr. Jonasson, who dedicated her career to advancing women surgeons. Supports a professorship in the Department of Surgery.

Philip Barbour Hardymon Professorship in Surgery
Dawson Fund
Established November 16, 2023, supports a surgical oncology or thoracic surgery professorship position in the Department of Surgery.

Ralph W. and Helen Kurtz Chair in Pathology
Wendy L. Frankel, MD
Department of Pathology
Ralph and Helen Kurtz
Established June 6, 1996, provides a chair for a nationally eminent faculty member to exclusively support the advancement of medical knowledge in pathology, for both basic and clinical research.

Ralph W. Kurtz Chair in Hormonology
Matthew D. Ringel, MD
Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Ralph and Helen Kurtz
Established September 7, 1973, by Ralph and Helen Kurtz. Income supports, but is not limited to, teaching, enhancing research and developing clinical learning experiences in hormonology.

Research Endowed Chair in Pathology
Abhay Satoskar, MD, PhD
Department of Pathology
OSU Pathology Services, LLC
Established June 4, 2020, by OSU Pathology Services, LLC. Income supports the advancement of medical knowledge in the field of pathology, both basic and translational research, in the Department of Pathology.

Rheumatology and Immunology Professorship
OSU Internal Medicine, LLC
Established August 30, 2019, with a fund transfer by OSU Internal Medicine, LLC. Supports a nationally eminent professorship for the advancement of basic and translational research in rheumatic autoimmune diseases and shall be held by a faculty member who is or shall be a member of the Division of Rheumatology and Immunology in the Department of Internal Medicine in the College of Medicine.

Richard L. Meiling Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Mark Landon, MD
College of Medicine
William H. Dickinson
The Richard L. Meiling Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology was established May 7, 1971, by the late William H. Dickinson and with funds from previously established College endowments. Income supports this chair posotion for research in human reproduction, maternal and neonatal health and heritage of gynecology.

Robert Bahnson MD Professorship in Urology
Walter Family Foundation, OSU Urology LLC and the Department of Urology
Established October 29, 2010, with gifts made by the Walter Family Foundation in memory of Robert C. Walter, in recognition of his triumphant handling of adversity, including the loss of vision, and made possible by his son and daughter-in-law, Robert D. and Margaret M. Walter. Given in honor of Dr. Robert Bahnson in recognition of his exemplary patient care and outreach, communication, and leadership in the Department of Urology. The income is used to support a professorship in the Department of Urology.

Robert F. Wolfe and Edgar T. Wolfe Foundation Chief Clinical Officer Chair in the Wexner Medical Center
Andrew Thomas, MD
Robert F. Wolfe and Edgar T. Wolfe Foundation
The Robert F. Wolfe and Edgar T. Wolfe Foundation Chief Clinical Officer Chair in the Wexner Medical Center was established November 18, 2021, with gifts from Robert F. Wolfe and Edgar T. Wolfe Foundation; used to supports a chair position for the chief clinical officer in the Wexner Medical Center. Subsequent to the retirement of the current Chief Clinical Officer, Dr. Andrew M. Thomas, the fund and chair shall be renamed Robert F. Wolfe and Edgar T. Wolfe Foundation Dr. Andrew M. Thomas Chief Clinical Officer Chair in the Wexner Medical Center in perpetuity. Should the title of the chief clinical officer change, the naming shall extend to any successor position and the new name of the chair would change accordingly.

Robert L. Ruberg MD Alumni Chair in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Amy Moore, MD
Plastic Surgery
OSU Plastic Surgery LLC
The Robert L. Ruberg MD Alumni Chair in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery was established August 30, 2013, with an initial gift from OSU Plastic Surgery LLC and additional gifts from colleagues, alumni, family, friends, and grateful patients in honor of the career and leadership of Dr. Robert L. Ruberg of Gahanna, Ohio. The income is used to support a chair position for a nationally or internationally recognized physician faculty member in clinical or academic leadership in the field of plastic surgery.

Robert M. Zollinger Chair of Surgery
Benjamin Poulose, MD
Division of General Surgery
Helen LeCrone Baxter
Established January 12, 1962, with a bequest from Helen LeCrone Baxter in honor of her father, Dr. Thomas West LeCrone, and her husband, Dr. Leland Baxter. Income supports the Robert M. Zollinger Chair of Surgery.

Ronald L. Whisler MD Chair in Rheumatology and Immunology
Hsin-Jung Joyce J. Wu, BVM, PhD
Division of Rheumatology-Immunology of the Department of Internal Medicine
The Ronald L. Whisler MD Chair in Rheumatology and Immunology was established November 3, 2017, with revenue support from the Division of Rheumatology-Immunology of the Department of Internal Medicine in honor of the career and leadership of Dr. Whisler. The income is used for a chair position in the Division of Rheumatology-Immunology, in the Department of Internal Medicine in the College of Medicine, supporting a nationally or internationally recognized physician or Ph.D. faculty member specializing in immunology research involving rheumatic autoimmune diseases.

S. Robert Davis Chair of Medicine
Rama Mallampalli, MD
Department of Internal Medicine
S. Robert Davis
Established June 8, 1978, by Mr. Davis. Income provides salary and program support for a distinguished scholar, researcher and teacher in the college.

S.T.A.R. Professorship
Thomas E. Szykowny and Dr. Lee Szykowny
The S.T.A.R. Professorship was established November 9, 2012 with gifts from community members who are advocates of the Stress, Trauma and Resilience program in the Department of Psychiatry, including initial gifts from Thomas E. Szykowny and Dr. Lee Szykowny. The income is used to support a professorship position for a nationally or internationally recognized psychiatrist, or other doctorally prepared mental health professional in the field of behavioral health who specializes in stress and trauma recovery.

Samuel J. Kiehl III MD Chair in Emergency Medicine
Sorabh Khandelwal, MD
Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Samuel J. Kiehl III, Terry L. Kiehl, and OSU Emergency Medicine LLC
The Samuel J. Kiehl III MD Professorship in Emergency Medicine was established June 3, 2016 with gifts from Dr. Samuel J. Kiehl III (BA 1967; MD 1971) and Terry L. Kiehl of Grove City, Ohio, and from OSU Emergency Medicine LLC of Columbus, Ohio. The income is used to support a chair position who is a nationally recognized physician faculty member in the field of Emergency Medicine with achievements and leadership in, and who shall foster innovation and excellence for the academic education, residency training, and mentorship of physicians in the specialty. Revised to a chair May 20, 2021.

Samuel Saslaw Professorship in Infectious Diseases
Daniel Wozniak, PhD
Friends and colleagues of Samuel Saslow
Established April 4, 1975; supports continuing medical education programs, lectureships in infectious diseases, and a professorship or chair.

Sanford and Rife Family Chair in Neuro-Oncology
Nancy Ingram Sanford; Lynn M. and David E. Rife; Jenny L. and Brad A. Rife
Established August 28, 2015, with a gift made in memory of John L. Sanford and Chlois G. Ingram given by Nancy Ingram Sanford in concert with her family members, Lynn M. and David E. Rife, and Jenny L. and Brad A. Rife; used for a chair position in the Department of Neurological Surgery supporting a nationally or internationally recognized physician faculty member in the field of neuro-oncology with the expertise in glioblastoma disease and related medical research to increase prevention and early diagnosis; to advance treatments and novel therapies; and to improve patient outcomes.

Sarah Ross Soter Endowed Chair for Women’s Cardiovascular Health at OSU Heart Center
Laxmi Mehta, MD
Director, Women’s Cardiovascular Health Program
Sarah Ross Soter
Established February 4, 2005, by Sarah Ross Soter through The Foundation. Distribution supports a chair for a nationally eminent physician researcher specializing in women’s cardiovascular health in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine. Unused distribution is reinvested to principal.

Stanley D. and Joan H. Ross Chair in Neuromodulation
Benjamin Segal, MD
Stanley D. and Joan 'Jodi' H. Ross
Established February 10, 2012; supports a chair position for a nationally or internationally recognized physician faculty member in the field of brain neuromodulation in the Department of Neurological Surgery with a preference for the holder to be the director of the Center for Neuromodulation.

The Ohio State University Emergency Medicine Endowed Research Chair
Henry Wang, MD, MPH, MS
Emergency Medicine
OSU Emergency Medicine, LLC
Established August 31, 2018, with a fund transfer by OSU Emergency Medicine, LLC. Supports a research chair in the Department of Emergency Medicine utilized to recruit an established, nationally prominent researcher with a track record of external funding or current funding, including NIH funding, in support of a renowned research program.

The Ohio State University Nephrology Endowed Professorship for Kidney Research
Division of Nephrology
Established November 3, 2017, with a fund transfer from the Division of Nephrology given by the faculty members to promote basic, translational and clinical research in kidney diseases at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, in support of a professorship position for a nationally or internationally recognized physician faculty member in the field of Nephrology.

Thomas F. Mauger and L. Carol Laxson Professorship for Ophthalmology Research
Andrew Hendershot, MD
Thomas F. Mauger and L. Carol Laxson
The Thomas F. Mauger and L. Carol Laxson Endowed Professorship in the Department of Ophthalmology was established in September 23, 2005. The income supports research in the Department of Ophthalmology.

Torrence A. Makley Research Professorship
Colleen Cebulla, MD
Department of Ophthalmology
Alumni, patients and friends of the Department of Ophthalmology
The Torrence A. Makley Research Professorship was established on November 5, 1982, by alumni, patients and friends of the Department of Ophthalmology. The income supports research in the Department of Ophthalmology.

Trott Gebhardt Philips Endowed Professorship
Craig Bryan, PsyD, ABPP
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health
Trott Family Foundation
The Trott Gebhardt Philips Endowed Professorship was established November 17, 2022, with a gift from the Trott Family Foundation dba Life Leap Foundation. Used to support a professorship position in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health. The holder of the position shall be focused on trauma and resilience and expanding scientific innovation and breakthroughs in trauma prevention and treatment. If the position is vacant, the annual distribution shall be used to support faculty in the department.

University Pathology Services Anatomic Pathology Professorship
Zaibo Li, MD, PhD
University Pathology Services
The University Pathology Services Anatomic Pathology Professorship was established March 1, 2002 with gifts from University Pathology Services and other friends of the Department of Pathology. The income is used to support the advancement of medical knowledge in the field of pathology research, both basic and clinical, and shall be held by an individual who is or shall be a member of the Department of Pathology or used at the discretion of the department chairman.

Warner M. and Lora Kays Pomerene Chair in Medicine
Aaron Clark, DO
Family & Community Medicine
Warner M. and Lora Kays Pomerene
Established January 9, 1976, by the Pomerenes. Income establishes a chair with consideration to education and training of physicians in primary care.

William D. and Jacquelyn L. Wells Chair at the Dorothy M. Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute
Thomas J. Hund, PhD
Department of Internal Medicine
The Dorothy M. Davis Heart & Lung Research Institute; College of Medicine
Established June 7, 2005, with discretionary funds from the DHLRI and the College of Medicine; used to provide a chair position held by the director of the DHLRI.

William E. Hunt, MD and Charlotte M. Curtis Chair in Neuroscience
Jan Schwab, MD, PhD
Department of Neurology
Charlotte Curtis Hunt Living Trust
Established August 30, 2000, with gifts from the Charlotte Curtis Hunt Living Trust made in memory of William E. Hunt, MD, and Charlotte M. Curtis; used to support the growth and development of neuroscience in the College of Medicine by creating a chair in neuroscience to promote the neurosciences through such uses including, but not limited to, postdoctoral neurosurgery fellowships, neuroscience research (e.g., graduate and postdoctorate research), extraordinary laboratory equipment and supplies, and neuroscience lectureships.

William H. Havener, MD, Chair in Ophthalmology Research
Sayoko Moroi, MD, PhD
Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Science
Friends and colleagues of William H. Havener, MD
Established June 2, 1989, by friends and colleagues in his honor. Distribution supports a chair for an outstanding teacher of residents and medical students in clinical opthalmology who provides excellent patient care.

William H. Saunders M.D. Professorship in Otolaryngology
Oliver Adunka, MD
Division of Otology, Neurotology, and Cranial Base Surgery
Alumni, faculty, colleagues and friends of otolaryngology, including Otolaryngology Head and Neck Physicians, LLC and given in honor of Dr. William H. Saunders
Established April 5, 2013 in honor of Dr. William H. Saunders and his faculty, career, and leadership in the Department of Otolaryngology who served as assistant professor to professor, 1954-1999; acting chairman and chairman, 1961 to 1984 and emeritus, 1999, this professorship supports a nationally or internationally recognized physician faculty member in the Department of Otolaryngology.