John Glenn College of Public Affairs

Endowed Faculty: John Glenn College of Public Affairs

Ambassador Milton A. and Roslyn Z. Wolf Chair
Russell Hassan, PhD
John Glenn College of Public Affairs
Ambassador Milton A. and Roslyn Z. Wolf
Established February 2, 1996, by the Wolfs through The Foundation. Distribution supports a chair in the Glenn College of Public Affairs for a nationally recognized expert in international and public policy who has a distinguished record of scholarship, maintains a productive research program and is an effective educator-teacher.

Harold L. and Audrey P. Enarson Professorship in Public Policy
Jim Landers, PhD
Clinical Public Affairs
Harold and Audrey Enarson
The Harold L. and Audrey P. Enarson Professorship in Public Policy was established May 1, 1981. The income provides support for an outstanding faculty member in Public Policy.