Michael E. Moritz College of Law

Endowed Faculty: Michael E. Moritz College of Law

C. William O'Neill Professorship in Law and Judicial Administration
Steven F. Huefner, JD
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
Friends of the late Chief Justice O'Neill
The C. William O'Neill Professorship in Law and Judicial Administration was established September 7, 1979 by friends of the late Chief Justice O'Neill. The income supports a distinguished scholar and teacher.

Carter C. Kissell Professorship in Law
L. Camille Hèbert, JD
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
Carter C. Kissell
The Carter C. Kissell Professorship in Law was established June 5, 1998 by Mr. Kissell. The income supports a professorship in the College of Law, preferably the Office of the Dean.

Charles W. Ebersold and Florence Whitcomb Ebersold Chair
Edward B. Foley, JD
Mortiz College of Law
Florence Whitcomb Ebersold Trust
The Charles W. Ebersold and Florence Whitcomb Ebersold Chair was established April 4, 2014, with a gift from the Florence Whitcomb Ebersold Trust. The income is used to support a chair position in the Michael E. Moritz College of Law in the field of United States constitutional law.

Charles W. Ebersold and Florence Whitcomb Ebersold Professorship
Amna Akbar, JD
Mortiz College of Law
Florence Whitcomb Ebersold Trust
The Charles W. Ebersold and Florence Whitcomb Ebersold Professorship was established August 29, 2014 with a gift from the Florence Whitcomb Ebersold Trust. The income is used to create and support a professorship position in the Michael E. Moritz College of Law in the field of United States constitutional law.

Chief Justice Thomas J. Moyer Professorship for the Administration of Justice and Rule of Law
Efthimios Parasidis, JD
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
Family, friends, and colleagues
The Chief Justice Thomas J. Moyer Professorship for the Administration of Justice and Rule of Law was established February 10, 2012 with memorial gifts from family, friends, and colleagues. The income is used to support a professorship position at the Michael E. Moritz College of Law.

Edwin M. Cooperman Chair in Law
Alan C. Michaels, JD
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
Edwin M. Cooperman
The Edwin M. Cooperman Chair in Law was established April 6, 2007, with gifts from Edwin M. Cooperman (JD 1967). The income is used to support a chair position at the Michael E. Moritz College of Law.

Frank C. Woodside III Clinical Professorship of Trial Advocacy
Elizabeth I. Cooke
Frank Chester Woodside III
Established June 29, 2001, by Michael E. Moritz through The Foundation. Income supports a faculty member whose teaching, research and public service are nationally recognized in the fields of civil rights and civil liberties.
The Frank C. Woodside III Clinical Professorship of Trial Advocacy was established May 7, 1999, with a gift from Dr. Frank Chester Woodside III (BS Biological Sciences 1966; JD 1969) of Wyoming, Ohio given with the intent to increase the quality of the trial advocacy program; used to support a professorship position in the Michael E. Moritz College of Law, Civil Law Clinic. Revised to professorship May 20, 2021.

Frank E. and Virginia H. Bazler Chair in Business Law
Daniel C.K. Chow, JD
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
Virginia Hutchison Bazler and Frank E. Bazler
The Frank E. and Virginia H. Bazler Chair in Business Law was established August 29, 2014, with a gift from Virginia Hutchison Bazler and Frank E. Bazler. The income is used to support a chair position in an area of law related to business.

Frank R. Strong Chair in Law
Lincoln L. Davies, JD
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
Michael E. Moritz
The Frank R. Strong Chair in Law was established June 29, 2001, by Michael E. Moritz. The income supports a faculty member whose teaching, research and public service are nationally recognized.

Gregory H. Williams Chair in Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández
Department of Internal Medicine
Michael E. Moritz
Established June 29, 2001, by Michael E. Moritz through The Foundation. Income supports a faculty member whose teaching, research and public service are nationally recognized in the fields of civil rights and civil liberties.

Heck-Faust Memorial Chair in Constitutional Law
Ruth Colker, JD
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
Grace Fern Heck-Faust
The Heck-Faust memorial Chair in Constitutional Law was established September 13, 1996, from the estate of Grace Fern Heck-Faust. The income provides support for a distinguished scholar and teacher in constitutional law.

Isadore and Ida Topper Professorship in Law
Marc Spindelman, JD
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
Isadore and Ida Topper
The Isadore and Ida Topper Professorship in Law was established May 8, 1987 by the Toppers. The income supports a distinguished scholar and teacher with preference to faculty in the area of administrative law and/or constitutional law.

J. Gilbert Reese Chair in Contract Law
Paul Rose, JD
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
J. Gilbert Reese
The J. Gilbert Reese Chair in Contract Law was established February 1, 2002, by J. Gilbert Reese. The income supports, over and above a full-time salary, a professor with a national reputation for excellence.

Jacob E. Davis and Jacob E. Davis II Chair in Law
Ric Simmons, JD
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
Jacob E. Davis II
The Jacob E. Davis and Jacob E. Davis II Chair in Law was established December 9, 1982, with gifts from Jacob E. Davis II. The income is used to support the work of a distinguished scholar and teacher in the Michael E. Moritz College of Law.

James W. Shocknessy Professorship of Law
Terri L. Enns, JD
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
Bequest from James W. Shocknessy
The James W. Shocknessy Professorship of Law was established December 8, 1977 with a bequest from Mr. Shocknessy. The income supports a distinguished legal teacher and scholar.

Joanne Wharton Murphy/Class of 1965 and 1973 Professorship in Law
Guy Rub, SJD
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
Members of the Class of 1965
The Joanne Wharton Murphy/Class of 1965 and 1973 Professorship in Law was established February 4, 1983 by members of the Class of 1965. The income funds a professorship recognizing a distinguished scholar and teacher.

John C. Elam/Vorys Sater Professorship
Katrina Lee, JD
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
Family and friends of John C. Elam and the Ohio State Law alumni employed by Vorys Sater Seymour & Pease
The John C. Elam/Vorys Sater Professorship Fund was established December 6, 2002 with gifts from the family and friends of John C. Elam and the Ohio State Law alumni employed by Vorys Sater Seymour & Pease. The income is used to provide an endowed professorship position in the Moritz College of Law.

John Deaver Drinko-Baker & Hostetler Chair in Law
Amy Schmitz, JD
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
John D. and Elizabeth Gibson Drinko, Baker & Hostetler, and friends
The John Deaver Drink-Baker & Hostetler Chair in Law was established March 10, 1986 by John D. and Elizabeth Gibson, Drinko, Baker & Hostetler and friends. The income provides support for a distinguished teacher and scholar.

John W. Bricker Professorship in Law
Patricia J. Zettler, JD
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
Friends and associates of The Honorable John Bricker
The John W. Bricker Professorship in Law was established July 31, 1969 by friends and associates of The Honorable John Bricker. The income supports the professorship.

Joseph S. Platt-Porter, Wright, Morris, & Arthur Professorship
Katherine H. Federle, JD
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
Anonymous Donor
The Joseph S. Platt-Porter, Wright, Morris, & Arthur Professorship was established June 12, 1980, by several individuals. Income currently supports a designated professorship. When gifts total $250,000, income will support a distinguished scholar and teacher.

Kara J. Trott Endowed Professorship in Law
Ruqaiijah Yearby
Moritz College of Law
Kara Jean Trott
The Kara J. Trott Endowed Professorship in Law was established May 20, 2021, with a gift from Kara Jean Trott (JD 1991); used to support a professorship position in the Michael E. Moritz College of Law. The individual appointed to this position shall be known as the Kara J. Trott Professor in Law. The highest ranking official in the college or his/her designee shall determine the focus of the position and may revise the focus every five years.

Kara J. Trott Endowed Professorship in Law in honor of Prof. Lawrence Herman
Margaret Kwoka, JD
Kara Jean Trott
The Kara J. Trott Endowed Professorship in Law in honor of Prof. Lawrence Herman was established May 20, 2021, with a gift from Kara Jean Trott (JD 1991); used to support a professorship position in the Michael E. Moritz College of Law. The individual appointed to this position shall be known as the Lawrence "Larry" Herman Professor in Law. The highest ranking official in the college or his/her designee shall determine the focus of the position and may revise the focus every five years.

Kara J. Trott Endowed Professorship in Law in honor of Prof. Morgan E. Shipman
Anne E. Ralph, JD
Kara Jean Trott
The Kara J. Trott Endowed Professorship in Law in honor of Prof. Morgan E. Shipman was established May 20, 2021, with a gift from Kara Jean Trott (JD 1991); used to support a professorship position in the Michael E. Moritz College of Law. The individual appointed to this position shall be known as the Morgan E. Shipman Professor in Law. The highest ranking official in the college or his/her designee shall determine the focus of the position and may revise the focus every five years.

Lawrence D. Stanley Professorship in Law
Larry T. Garvin, JD
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
Mrs. Lawrence D. Stanley
The Lawrence D. Stanley Professorship in Law was established September 5, 1986 by Mrs. Lawrence D. Stanley in memory of her husband. The income supports a distinguished scholar and teacher.

Michael E. Moritz Chair in Alternative Dispute Resolution
Sarah R. Cole
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
Michael E. Moritz
The Michael E. Moritz Chair in alternative Dispute Resolution was established June 29, 2001, by Michael E. Moritz. The income supports a faculty member whose teaching, research and public service are nationally recognized in the field of alternative dispute resolution.

Newton D. Baker-Baker & Hostetler Chair in Law
Douglas A. Berman, JD
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
John Drinko, Baker & Hostetler and friends
The Newton D. Baker-Baker & Hostetler Chair in Law was established February 1, 1974, by John D. Drinko of the law firm Baker, Hostetler & Patterson and friends. The chair is in memory of the firm's founder, Mr. Baker, who was the former chair of the university's Board of Trustees. The income supports the chair, which recognizes a distinguished scholar and teacher.

Robert J. Lynn Chair in Law
L. Camille Hébert, JD
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
Michael E. Moritz
The Robert J. Lynn Chair in Law was established June 29, 2001, by Michael E. Moritz. The income supports a faculty member whose teaching, research and public service are nationally recognized.

Robert J. Watkins/Procter & Gamble Professorship
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
Michael E. Moritz College of Law alumni employed by Procter & Gamble
The Robert J. Watkins/Procter & Gamble Professorship was established November 7, 1997 with gifts from the Michael E. Moritz College of Law alumni employed by Procter & Gamble. The income is used to support the salary and research of a professor in the Michael E. Moritz College of Law.